Muscle x-section

The Hyatt Lab

Thank you for visiting the Hyatt Lab page at Arizona State University.

We are a small group located in Life Science Building A on the Tempe Campus working on a variety of experiments aimed to deepen our understanding of skeletal muscle with a specific focus on the molecular, cellular, and systemic responses to exercise. Student researchers work along side Dr. Hyatt to employ standard biochemical and histochemical techniques to examine the adaptation and decompensation of skeletal muscle to a variety of physiological perturbations including aerobic exercise / detraining and diet / supplementation interventions. In our current work, we are investigating the signals that regulate the stages of the mitochondrial life cycle within skeletal muscle including biogenesis, fission/fusion, and mito/autophagy. In collaboration with Abcam, Inc., we have recently developed a polyclonal antibody against the mitochondrial peptide, MOTS-c, and have commenced a project to understand its local and systemic impacts during aerobic exercise.